Thursday, June 7, 2018

Week 1: anybody got some cold metal spoons???

hello everyone can you believe it has been 8 days?? cuz honestly it feels like its been 67 years. but its like time is weird here. like it feels fast but it also feels slow. i dont know where to begin it has been a week of total ups and downs!!!! hence the cold metal spoons(; i suppose i will start with a horror story. it was on friday last week i was taking my first shower in the mtc. and i was shaving my legs and i accidentally cut both my ankles twice so they were like gushing blood and were literally not stopping bleeding. and i didnt have bandaids with me cuz i was in the shower and so i just got my towel so bloody, so RIP my towel is gross and bloody. i have PTSD every time i shave now in those showers. seriously it scarred me. honestly yall probably wont even recognize me, i wake up at 6:30, i take the stairs, i can sit though a 3 hour class and not get bored, and i go running for exercise time???? wow ive changed for sure. but dont worry im still the same. we failed our room check and got needs to work on everything haha, i still love to joke around, and i still love this gospel!!!!! i have learned so much in just one week and my testimony has been grown more than it ever has in my entire life. i have amazing teachers. sister hatch is one of them and she is the BEST. she has been the answer to so many of my prayers. my companion is sister whitaker she is from kanosh. she is amazing. she talks more than me if you guys can imagine. hahaah so i am getting used to listening instead of talking 24/7. shoutout to my friends who listened to me talk that much idk how you guys did it i am having a hard time adjusting to the listening life. but we get along good and have a fun time laughing and we teach well together. Speaking of which we have two "investigators" one named jon which is our teacher but he is very challenging. and then our TRC investigator is named kathryn. we have taught her twice. the first time we came out and i was like "YES THIS IS WHY I AM HERE I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY THIS FEELS SO RIGHT" then the second time we taught her i got out and i was like yep im gunna need a lot of work. she is so hard and asks us the hardest questions i literally dont know how to answer. and then she gave us bad feedback so that kind of made us feel sad cuz we felt so good about the lesson we had taught her. but we are praying and listening to the spirit so hopefully our lesson tomorrow goes better. all my st g homies... dont worrry i informed all the sisters in my district about the uv index. and next good news.. i think im the tannest. can i get a hoiiiii yaaaaa.. 
my distrtict!!! they are the best!!! 6 sisters, me and sister whitaker, sister marshall and thompson, sister van brederode and salisbury, and then 2 elders elder mackay and eaten. the elders are going to canada and they are polar opposite haha. seriously its funny. all the sisters except me and my comp are going to california which is way sad because i love them so much!!! they are all so amazing. we do everything together haha. eat, exercise, class. we usually go run for 30 min and then for the last 30 we go play foursquare BTW i am the champ. quick story. we were just playing as a district and a creeper kidnapper van shows up and gets out all these coolers and a dad and a son walk over to us. they give us gatorade and popsicles and we are all like oh thanks so much. we are just thinking they are a young mens group ya know ?? so i asked them if they were just out here giving people drinks and stuff and they were like we are missionaries from our cross stitch church in florida and we just drove here to do some service! then they left and loaded up their coolers and left. didnt talk to anyone else. they literally only gave drinks to us. and then we all stood there and were like. um should we have said we were missionaries too?? hahah missionary opportunity FAIL. dont worry tho we had only been here four days we're better now haha . it was just funny cuz our whole district was literally thinking the same thing. this tuesday Elder Gong came and spoke to us at the devotional and it was simply amazing !!!! the apostles have such a cool spirit about them when they walk into the room. the cool thing is im pretty sure he came and spoke at dixie before he was an apostle while we were there. so um represent #thedixielife i pride my school. i talk about it all the time. dixie is love. dixie is life. one of my favorite things about the devotional was that he literally told us he and Elder Holland assigned missions together!!!! he told us the whole story. and that we are going where we are called for the people, a companion, to learn from the mission president. so many different reasons but i know i am going to missouri for a reason and there is no where else i belong. I am so excited to find out that reason. its hard to tell you all the spiritual and cool moments i have had here. there are too many to tell. my prayers get answered almost instantly. its so cool. i will end by sharing on of my favorite quotes from a branch presidents councilors wife, " you are doing his work. you are bringing others unto Christ for HE is the way home." something that really helped me especially on the hard days. this is the hardest thing i have ever done and it has only been one week, but it is also one of the most amazing things i have ever experienced!!! thank you for all the love and support. i love you all. also i am so sorry this is so long and also so all over the place. u shouldnt expect anything different. u guys know how my brain works. 

love, sister fotowoman
ps send me packages plz i need snacks the food is yucky
pps send me dear elder letters im unit 22 district 33a if u dont know how to do it ask my mom plz :-)
pps check out the sick pics ive taken on my SaMsUnG J7
also i see sister redd multiple times a day it is literally the best!!!! i love being a missionary and i love being a missionary with her!!!<3

Pictures: No one told me my ugly mission submission would follow me around and i would have to stare at my flipped out short hair, amazing murals in the MTC, me and my comp, St Louis sisters, Me and Sister Redd 

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