Monday, December 9, 2019

Week 79: The best is yet to come

I don't know how its all already coming to an end. seems like just yesterday i stepped into this beautiful state and started the most incredible experience of my life. 18 months+ of unforgettable times. My heart is overcome with so much gratitude. I hoped to make this email something spectacular for my fans one last time but no promises may just be one last novel for you to read, heres to that ** clink clink raise your glasses to a toast of the dying Sister Folkman and the awakening of the new ANNA! The Lord let Sister Carter and I see so many MIRACLES this week !!! The past couple weeks we have been teaching Kenny, a members sorta husband they just havent made it official after 30 years of being together.. beside the point because they are amazing! His daughter recently passed away and we have just been teaching him the simple gospel truths that bring peace..he told us he has thought about being baptized so we invited him and he said yes !!! February 8th is his day to step onto the path. He was so sad when he found out i was leaving. He said "who do i need to talk to so you can stay" and i said "i dont think we can prevent this transfer unfortunately."
It was an answer to so many of our prayers! Sunday we had fasted to have someone on date for baptism and God prepared Kenny.

But it gets better

We go over and they had invited Rusty there next door neighbor to join us and Rusty is PREPARED by the Lord. We taught the Plan of Salvation and he asked every missionary's dream questions. It was amazing. Both he and kenny came to church yesterday and hopefully we can invite Rusty to be baptized tonight. WOW ISNT GOD COOL???


We tracted into this cute mom who answered the door half asleep and said to come back tomorrow, so we did and honestly i was lacking some faith and i said people always say that then they wont answer... but i was humbled.. because she answered and we were able to share the restoration. I was saying the first vision and i said "i saw two personages" she just was in awe and i could see the spirit working with her. She put up her hands and all excitedly said "who were they!!??!" God is good. Going back this Tuesday. The Lord prepared me a packed upcoming week. Can't wait for a BIG FINISH.

Well guys... i guess this is my time to depart. I have 20 things you all need to know before i sign off

10 things missouri taught me:
1. Sidewalks are taken for granted! Ive missed them! Missouri does not believe in safe pedestrian walking
2. Toasted Ravs are St. Louis's best creation
3. Green is the MOST amazing color and missouri has the most beautifulest falls.
4. There is NO limit on household pets (nor a boundary limit, you want a cat on your lap; you can have a cat in your lap.... you dont want a cat on your lap? You still get a cat on your lap)
5. Animals are allowed to sleep in the road. (Seems unsafe to me but its true)
6. BBQ is the states condiment of choice and pulled pork is the celestial meat
7. The worlds most kind hearted Christians live out here and they just want God to bless you and everyone. I'm going to miss this part a lot. So many amazing humans.
8. the sunsets! the corn! the fire flies!
9. It may feel like a tsumani but we dont have to worry its just raining.
10. Its the perfect place to become someone you are proud of. I love this state with my entire being.

And more importantly here are 10 things the Lord taught me the last 18 months:

1. Heavenly Father has our best interest at heart ALWAYS. Even when I couldnt see it in the moment. I saw it after. Trust him.
2. Jesus Christ lives! His atonement is not only cleansing but enabling. When we choose to turn to him we will gain the needed strength and feel peace.
3. God is aware of every effort we put in. We may feel like it wasn't enough or that we could have done better but all our Heavenly Father cares about is that we tried! We did our best and He is proud of us!
4. True joy comes from living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
5. Every person on earth is our spirit brother or sister. They deserve to be treated this way. Let us all speak a little kinder to one another.
6. His plan is perfect! We simply follow him and keep his commandments and we will feel confident doing whatever he asks of us.
7. Obedience brings blessings and changes perspective. "When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that very moment, God will endow us with power."
8. The Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that this book is true. I know that it will calm anxieties in the darkest times. I've seen it in my own life and those I've taught.
9. We have a modern day prophet leading and guiding us today. I know President Nelson is called of God and led by the Lord. When we follow his counsel, everything will be okay.
10. JOY- It is possible to have joy in hard times! To smile! To laugh! Our Heavenly Father desires our happiness. The key is to keep our covenants and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I love this perfect Gospel and how it has allowed me to become perfected in Christ day after day. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the Lord's kingdom on earth today.
Lets spread the good word. All my love plus some more, Sis folk

Pics: 1. Christmas spirit at an all time high 2-3. Merry Christmas from the Oakville Sisters <3  4. Face masksss #classicsistermissionaries 5-6. All the departing missionaries. Catch us all next week. I love the temple. Best place in the world. 7. Took a shower at the church the other night because i was just fed up with the shower in our apartment :)))) 8. One last sleeping animal 9. My funeral 10-13. Misc fun

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