Friday, December 6, 2019

Week 78: #LightTheWorld

Word of the week ! flabby- out of condition; not strong or robust, incapable of endurance. The dictionary app we are allowed has the best definitions and i just thought i would use these last weeks to share the fun with you. Soon i will be a flabby missionary aka out of condition. Here is some food for thought. Missouri is the show-me state. Where will Christ show himself again? Mind blown. Our RS president told us this and i was shook and also felt like a baller cuz im in the coolest state. I hope you guys all had the BEST thanksgiving. Mine was so memorable and every time i think about it, i just laugh a little bit more. The member that fed us decided to fry a turkey. She bought a fryer and everything. We get there on Thanksgiving and its a little behind schedule which is all good but we ended up waiting for like 1 1/2 for the turkey to be done. Then her 8 year old comes in and says "the turkey is burnt" and we said "oh no" then the member comes in carrying this CHARRED BLACK BIRD. IT WAS HORRIBLE.😂😂😂😂😂😂(see pics below). literally it was crackling on the stove all throughout dinner. Needless to say i didnt have turkey this Thanksgiving. I had a weird pinkish meet... i think it was called ham? Ill have to ask my uncle martin. Then we decided that night to heart attack a less active family. We go put the hearts on the door and these dogs are going NUTS. And i got nervous so instead of taking the sidewalk and the safe way i ran down this super steep little hill and boy i built up some momentum and couldnt stop running and the next thing i know, i was rolling on the asphalt. We wish we would have recorded it because it was so funny. We can all watch it in heaven together. Luckily only ended up with a couple bruises. Had my last interview with President Bell. So bitter sweet but made me so excited not so nervous to go home! He was called of God and I know I was called to the MSLM to have him as my mission president for these last 4 transfers. I couldnt of done it without his guidance. His family is amazing and has sacrificed so much. We were able to have another lesson with the buckley family ! The cute family that i talked about a couple weeks ago. We taught Sam their son the plan of salvation and it is my favorite to teach because it is AMAZING. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much and this plan is evidence of that. (And even more evidence Sis Buckley made us funeral potatoes that actually tasted like my moms and i almost cried eating them). I have been studying charity a lot lately and last night we had a zone testimony meeting and a sister said something that was so simple but so profound to me. She said "There is no greater power than love. When we have charity we WILL NOT fail." She said it so powerfully and i just felt it. Charity defined in bible dictionary is "The highest, noblest, strongest kind of love, not merely affection; the pure love of Christ." Christ's love will never fail us, it is perfect. I know this is true. When we have charity we love people we never thought we could and we stop judging others and love them for who they are- God's children. Just like you and me. Every person on earth deserves to be treated the way Christ would treat them. So try and see them this way. I'm still working on it, its a humbling experience but I know I am becoming more Christlike as I strive to stop judging and start loving. Just know how much I LOVE each of you. I can't even explain it. Thank you for always loving me for me. One last important thing... if you read anything READ THIS. I read an article in the Ensign this month that was called "Alone and Grateful Christmas". it was just a simple story that really made me think about this season. A man was alone and out of town for the first time ever on Christmas. No presents, no celebration, no family, nothing. He realized he had never gotten on his knees on Christmas day to thank Heavenly Father for the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. He said he had never truly appreciated how important the Savior was. I dont know why this particular story stood out to me but i know He is the reason for this season. He is the light of the entire world and I honestly cannot fathom that. I do not understand how he individually knows all of us and how he can comfort/carry us. But I know that he does. In Gethsemane for a split second he thought only of YOU and YOUR pains, sadnesses, anguishes, sins, everything. He knows YOU. This season, remember him. Choose to do something that will bring you closer to him. I love my Savior. I know he lives. All my love + some more, Sis folk

P.S. the december ensign is SO good. Please read it, all of it. It is incredible.
P.P.S. see you at the airport December 16th at 1:45pm

Pics !! For 18 months i have no idea if these captions show up in order so have fun guessing
1. Rainbow giraffe! 2. Our RS president took us to tequilas for dinner 😎 3. I thought i could save myself from doing dishes and cook the tortilla straight on the stovetop. I was sorely mistaken 4. Tortilla catastrophy 5. My chair broke all a sudden, then later that night sis carter says "i have a confession... i loosened the screw while you were in the bathroom" ahhh comp goals 6. Martinelli shots on thanksgiving #nice 7. Rip the charred bird 8. I love this picture of me eating a corn dog because i am so content =)


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