Monday, July 23, 2018

Week 7: i ate steak :0

yes, you did indeed read the title of my email correctly. i, anna folkman, ate steak. and i am still living. except however i did not like it and i think i will start being vegetarian in the next wards i go in so i dont have to face that trial again. (but not really bc i love chicken and i need that protein) but hopefully i dont have to eat steak very often bc it gave me not good vibes. anyways enough about that. BUT this week was fABuLoUS. last wednesday we and interviews with President. and that was probably the best thing of my entire week. it was exactly what i needed to hear and it was just the best ever. it was also my half birthday. for all of you who forget to send me packages i understand i guess. but it was a pretty good half birthday i celebrated in my head all day. i got to plant flowers at a members house this week and can i just say i think i have a green thumb and i think i found a new hobby. HMU if you need flowers planted in 17. saturday was my companions brithday WaHoO!!!! except she is one of those people who doesnt like bdays :( but thats ok bc i love birthdays so i bought her a sash and made her some decorations with the things i could find around our apartment #DIYwithSisterFolkman then we had a ward service project at the house of the man who passed away. we pulled weeds and did a lot of yard work. then after that we went to my bishops house to help with his house remodel. LIFE SKILLZ LEARNED: how to prune a tree, how to pull out staples out of a trailer, and my favorite one. . . how to suck up spiders under a trailer home with a vacumn. yup i was under a trailer sucking up spiders and they were LARGE MARGE. i think i got bit so hopefully i can be a spiderwoman and fotowoman and a missionary. its a lot to take on but i think i can handle it. the best day ever was yesterday !!!!! we were teaching kristin a lesson on the restoration again and just kind of reviewing it and making sure she understood what we had taught her earlier. and at the end we were planning on inviting her to be baptized. while we were trying to teach everything that could possibly go wrong, did. Satan did not want us to teach her this lesson and invite her to be baptized. her daughter was blowing bubbles everywhere and screaming, her baby was crying, and her dog was barking and chewing on anything and everything he could find. it was a disaster of a lesson. but it finally settled down for a moment and i asked her how she could apply the restoration into her own life. and she said that she could try to be more like Christ... and so i invited her to be baptized... and she said YES!!!!!! and then the rest of the lesson everything was calm and her daughter sat by me and colored and the dog was calm. she wants to change and she wants a change for her family!!! i am so excited to continue to work with her and help her progress towards baptism!!!! Satan is evil and he almost won but i would not let him this time. it was such a cool experience. anyways other than that missouri is good, i have 66 mosquito bites on my legs, the kids here love me ;-) and unfortunately so do the dogs. i hope u all have a wonderful week. love sis folk

MaTcH tHE PiCtUrE tO tHE NuMbER: winner will recieve nothing. 1. Me holding an frog
2. Me holding a water tower 3. DIY w/ sis folk - birthday edition 4. Pizza cake n candles for breakfast?? 5. Me and my comp after pulling 5674 staples out of a house in 100 degree weather

p.s. i forgot the best part of this email!!!! We got invited to baptisms at the pool by a faith christian family church😂😂😂 "call or text if you want to get baptized" me and my companion died hahaah

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