Monday, July 16, 2018

Week 6: when your bishop is moving to dubai ;-(

heyo folks !! another week gone can ya believe its time to read another one of my emails? yall probably have a countdown for my emails who am i kidding? hehe just jokes. but this week was awesome possum. except dead possum bc i have only seen dead possums here. because everything gets hit by a car.... or 67 cars. so i have actually only seen destroyed bloody possum TMI? sorry. but anyways last monday was sisters pday and it was SO MUCH FUN. we went mini golfing, got ice cream, and went thrifting (good news missouri has some great thrift shops). it was just so fun to be with all the gals and have a fun day together. then this week was sooooo busy with appointments. we have a lesson with a member whose neighbor across the street has been studying to be a jehovahs witness for 2 years. and she wanted to meet with us and learn more about our church. haha guys it was the most cringey lesson ever. this member is the type of person that doesnt quite understand when he is talking way to much. he just kept popping in and saying the whAcKIesT things. my favorite thing was the text he sent us after which read "if we invite her to baptism next lesson it is... game over" sooooo ill keep everyone posted on my jehovah witness's experience. however it was super cool to compare both our religions and see what we each believe. then the SADDEST news of my entire mission THUS FAR. the bishop and his family are moving to DUBAI :((( (because he is a pilot and got a new job and that is where the Lord needs them i guess) i am so so so so so so sad because he is the greatest bishop & they are the most amazing family ever. but they said when i get off my mission that i can come visit them and they can get me a discounted ticket. so thats something to look forward too in 17 months. ;-). ok next, new missionary orientation was on friday so i got to see everyone i came out with. EVEN MY MTC COMPANION YAY. and it was just the best thing ever because President and Sister Bateman are the BEST PEOPLE EVER. President taught us so many amazing things. i wish i could explain them through email but they are the greatest. i will try to explain one of my favorite things that he taught us and it is about obedience. i was always scared about coming on a mission because i was afraid i was going to come back and not be "me" anymore. but President taught us the coolest thing ever. he said when we are being obedient we are NOT becoming robots or puppets. he said that when we are obedient our talents and personalities are actually MAGNIFIED to help us serve others and become more like Christ. we are given our specific talents to help others and touch different people individually. He said sin is sameness. when we are sinning we are becoming more like the world. We are not like the world. We are disciples of Jesus Christ!!!!! whether or not we are on a mission, at school, young, old, at work, anywhere we are we are an example and believe of Jesus Christ. Obedience is not just something to do with a mission. every single one of us can improve daily to be more obedient... to read our scriptures daily, pray daily, serve daily and so many more things. i challenge all of you to find something to be more obedient on and work on it this week. because that is why we are on this earth!!! you should never be too busy for the Gospel of Jesus Christ because it is truly how we are going to be the most happy in our lives. ok ill get off my soap box now. (haha soap box idk if thats right but ive heard people say it and i felt like i was doing a 'soap box' so i had to get off it... honestly plz someone email and tell me what it really is because im pretty sure it isnt soap box) also cool news part two i got to go to a baptism of a mom and daughter !!!! it was awesomeeeeeeeeee *ded* possum! my companion taught them in her previous area and was invited to go and it was so cool to be able to see a someone who isnt 8 years old be baptized into the church. #utahlife lol. the mom and daughter were GLOWING and smiling so big. i cannot wait until i get to help the people i teach the become convereted to Jesus Christ and his gospel and walk into the waters of baptism. oh wow this is becoming a novel. congrats if you have made it this far. if you have made it this far dont stop ! good stuff coming. so i tried "toasted ravioli' which is apparently famous in st louis. as i was eating it i was like "this stuff is good but it reminds me over something i have had before." then literally 3 days later we were in the car and i was like "i remember what it reminds me of PIZZA ROLLS" yep you read that right . toasted ravioli basically taste like the pizza rolls you buy in a big box at costco. anyways it was a fabulous week full of learning and growing and i only cried 1 time. #success. i thought i was done but i have one more challenge hehe. did you know there is a new preach my gospel ??? its true and its awesome. its on gospel library. click on the introduction and scroll all the way to the bottom. yep you read that right it says "use by church members" isnt that the COOLEST. preach my gospel is for all of us. it is all of our callings to share the gospel on this earth!!! preach my gospel is a great resource to learn how to share, what to share, and so many more things !!! use it in family home evenings or study it on your own because it is from God and it is a book that we can all learn so much from !!! i love you all so much and i hope you didnt fall asleep reading this zzzzzzzz. peace n blessings
sis folk

piks 1.helping the bishop family tear up their house so they can sell it 2. Car selfie nothin new 3. Me and sister wallace (pretty sure we were besties in the premortal life) 4. Selfie at st louis bread co. Which is actually panera bread but i guess it started here? #themoreyouknow 5. No table, no problem 6. Frank. He made a bad decision and now he is on the freeway with us. Rip frank

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