Monday, December 17, 2018

Week 28: flat tire or flat out tired?

i dont know if i am in st George or in columbia right now because the weather has been NICE. literally like 55 degrees and we are LOVING it. 12 days of Christmas- Como Sisters Edition: we decided we needed to have more Christmas spirit so we decided what better way to do that than to move out mattresses downstairs and sleep under the Christmas tree for 12 nights. Christmas SpiRiT HIGH. we do and activity each night (future relief society pres) and it has been a GOOD TIME. day 1: binge watch all the addiction recovery videos (we dont have netflix but we do have LDS media. day 2: tell me two things you like about me (it had been a long day, activities were not on the mind). day 3: finger nail painting day. day 4: gingerbread house making. stay tuned for the rest. we had a TON of lessons this week which i LOVE because i learn so much from the people that we are teaching. we had a lesson with Rob and he was telling us the more time we spend with people the more we become like them. which is so true because i am literally just a piece of every companion i have had because i am with them 24/7. so anyways he continued to say that the more time he has spent studying Christ's life, the more like him he has become. INSIGHTFUL. i literally hadnt ever thought of it with this perspective and i absolutely loved it. i can definitely say that over the past 7 months I have been able to become more like my Savior because I am spending so much more time with him and i get to represent him! it can be the same at home, something to ponder on i think :-) . i was also studying during my personal study this week and i came over a LEGENDARY quote. "The more fully we submit our will to Heavenly Father the richer the blessings will be. They may not be the blessings we expect, but they will always be the blessings we need." SO TRUE. i LOVE this. because Heavenly Father has the bigger picture. he knows exactly what we need and when we need it. so be patient if your blessings are currently pending. SOOOOO a FLAT (not pun intended) out MIRACLE: we were driving to an appointment around 8ish and sis shaff goes... whats that? and i said whats what? and then BOOM i hit a tire that was bouncing down the highway, but literally we only got a flat tire.... no other damage to the car and i cant be more grateful. like ya it was prolly the scariest thing of my life but it could have been so much worse. i am so grateful we were protected. but lets be honest im so glad i didnt put an animal to sleep that would have been even worse @ sis beal. also referring to my subject line.... i am flat out tired too. but hey that means we are working hard right? LIFE HACK: if you ever are feeling nervous about going to a dinner apt. with a less active, put two sandwich baggies in your pockets and when they arent looking put the yucky food in your pockets. yep it worked like a charm. Love, sis folk

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